A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Friends & When it Rains it Pours!

So I've survived my first couple of days here in Ghana. The new environment and culture has taken a little getting used to but I'm adjusting well. I attibrute this to the new friends I've made in the short time I've been here. The first is a group of interns from West Africa, one from Togo, Benin and Cote D'Ivoire. They are staying at the same guest house. They are French speaking and say they don't speak English very well but they are being modest. Sometimes I'll reply to their questions in French and they laugh. One of them Marc, asked us (Caitlin and I) to watch Prison Break the first night we met. It was also the same night as a black out (the city is on a power rotation so we have nights and days with no power). Anyway it was a very strange but enjoyable bonding experience.

The second friend I made is the driver for Help Age Ghana. His name is Nat and I've learned quickly that he is more than just a driver. He picked me up yesterday and brought me into the office, giving me a full detailed tour of our route to work. I attempted to have a conversation about football with him but my knowledge was limited to the U-20 World Cup and we had a good laugh about Canada not scoring any goals. As consolation he said, "I think your female team is very good". He is taking Caitlin and I to a festival today more details to follow for sure.

Last night, Caitlin and I were rudely awakened by a downpour of rain. It was wild rainfall. As soon as you thought it would let up it got heavier. It was just teeming to the point where we thought the compound was going to get flooded. However, we awoke this morning to see that everything was dripping with water but nothing flooded. It was very difficult to sleep in but exciting to experience my first Ghanaian thunderstorm.


Cerise said...

I am so proud of you "young women" - taking these chances to have adventures and leaving your mark on this big world - miss seeing you in the library, always need someone to hug.

BK said...

Where'd you get that nifty map thingie on the left? I want to add it to my blog.

Hoping your well ... BK