A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Pre-departure Pre-amble

Hello all,
In just over 24 hours I'll be boarding a plane for Ghana. I am very excited and anxious to arrive in my home for the next 7 months, Accra. I thought I would use this opportunity to explain a little bit of what I'll be doing there, which I have no doubt will change or become more defined over the next couple of weeks. I will be working with Help Age Ghana, a sister organizaion of Help the Aged Canada. My position is as a fund development officer which I'm sure will encompass much more than fundraising as I've already been told. Help Age Ghana serves the elderly poor through various initiatives. Their focus is on human rights and advocacy but they support a number of health and economic programs, as well. You can read more about their programs, such as the Adopt-a-Gran through Help the Aged Canada's site.


My next entry will be from Accra. Thank you to all of you who have supported me in preparation for this journey. I am ever so blessed to have you all in my life.


Unknown said...

Ok... I will be the first to leave a comment... I think what you are doing is amazing!! You are an inspiration to everyone. This is the first of many experiences and opportunities in your life. WTG Beth!!

Megan said...

glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound. Canada misses you already!! You are doing an amazing thing and I'm positive your efforts will not go unnoticed!
Miss you already

P.S. please disregard the comment in my email as clearly I found it!

Unknown said...

Hello Beth,

Just wanted to leave you a quick comment as I am excited to start reading of your experiences in Ghana. You say how lucky you are to have us in your life, but you must remember (speaking for myself and I'm sure many others) about how lucky we are to know you as well and be included in your Ghana adventure. Keep up the emails and I will try to do the same about my time in Yellowknife (which is going well but of couse not as much of a culture shock as Accra - well at least until the winter hits)

All the best
