A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Much needed update!

Hi all,
I feel I owe all my readers an apology for the severe lack of posting lately. I know there are no excuses but my internet cafe by my house is having severe technical difficulties, won't accept my pen drive and generally takes forever to upload pictures. So in an effort to keep you aware of my whereabouts I've come to another cafe to bring you all up to speed. I have many blogs on my pen drive that I've written and hope to post soon as well as some amazing pictures. I hope the suspense doesn't kill you.

In the meantime I will list some of the things I've been thinking and doing in no particular order:

- Work has been slow...and the work environment is lacking energy and motivation. I'm trying to be patient and find ways to work around this but it's been challenging. Currently I am working on compiling a profile of local grant institutions and donors and a 2-year fundraising plan for HelpAge. I am also hoping to compile and carry through a public awareness survey on HelpAge Ghana and issues of ageing in Ghana with the intent of improving advocacy and awareness activities.

- I celebrated Halloween in a weird and bizarre turn of events. I went as a prairie girl which many would mistake as a cowgirl...

- I went to the launch of World AIDS Day. I heard the Vice President speak and the President's adviser on AIDS and infectious diseases. The Ghana AIDS Commission showed a documentary on the theme this year which is Leadership, reducing stigma and discrimination. If the Commission can follow through with this theme some real impact could be made especially coming from leaders in the country, such as government, religious leaders, chiefs, etc. Also heard a Ghanaian rap artist PRAYE sing a song about World AIDS Day during which I saw the Vice President catch a yawn.

- Went to a charity concert for the flood victims in the north. I got to listen to John Legend's sweet voice which was an experience...and heard reggae star Luciano...the night was good but having to get escorted into the grounds by armed soldiers because of security reasons made us question why we went in the first place.

- Went to a wedding this weekend for one of the members of HelpAge's daughters. The ceremony was fairly contemporary. I was at an engagement party a few weeks ago that incorporates more cultural traditions. At the engagement party representatives from the groom's family presents gifts to a representative of the bride's family who has to accept the gift. Each gift holds a special significance, like a watch to symbolize time, a Ghanaian stool to signify that when we marry we come to sit and stay. I didn't know the bride or groom so it felt a little awkward to be there but I was grateful for the experience nonetheless.

So much more to say so I promise to write again soon...


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