A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Some photos to keep you sated...

So I'm getting harassed to make some posts and regret that I came all the way to the cafe to realize I hadn't loaded any of my blogs on my pen drive. Yikes! I will do so this afternoon and hopefully have some up by the end of the day. Until then, for those of you checking often, here are some photos to keep you interested. Stay tuned for blogs on African football, World AIDS Day, urban bias and much more! Wow am I trying to sell this thing or what?

On a side note, I was walking to work today and heard the Christmas Song blaring in the streets. A little strange to hear "folks dressed up like Eskimos" when I'm sweating buckets and sweltering under the sun. Hope all my Canadian family and friends are enjoying the snow...

The pictures are from Independence Square in Accra and Bojo Beach where I went last Sunday. Does the picture of yours truly remind anyone of an LL Bean ad or what?

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