A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Power is yours!

This amazing revelation came to me a couple of weeks ago but I somehow forgot to post anything about it. Anyway I was talking to my friend Kofi one night and he looked at my hand and said about my ring, "what power are you wearing tonight?". I asked him what he meant and he said that I was wearing a Planeteer ring and I must be wind because the ring was white. I looked at him in utter shock and said, "YOU watch Captain Planet" and then together we broke out into song singing the theme song and shouting the powers. Then he tells me that one of the Planeteers is Ghanaian!? Yes, Earth is Ghanaian, his name is Kwame, which is Ashanti for being born on a Saturday. Kwame was also the name of the first President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah. Apparently he used to watch it growing up all the time. I was so happy and we continued to make Planeteer jokes and sing the song all night much to our friends' disapproval. Who would've thought...a cross-cultural moment over Captain Planet...just beautiful!

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