A detailed account of my adventures, joys, and challenges of living in Accra, Ghana.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Have you Hugged an Older Person Today?


I have made it to the end of a week's worth of celebrations and events to commemorate the United Nations Day for Older Persons which occurs annually on October 1st. At Help Age Ghana, we spent the week highlighting the challenges of ageing in Ghana through the media and an awareness walk on Saturday. We held other events that I will write about soon. I want to upload some pictures with my stories so that you can all get a full picture of what happened. All I will say now is that this last week has been one of my highlights so far of my time here in Ghana. Perhaps this has been because we've been spending so much time with the elderly this past week and they bring a smile to my face whenever we meet. They are so dear and vibrant...more lively than even some youth I know. I can only hope that I will be as blessed as they are to live a long life and be as joyful and thankful of my life as they are when I reach that age.

Please call your grandmother, grandfather, great aunts and uncles, or any special older person in your life today and tell them that you love them, that you recognize the contributions they made to let you live the life you do, that you value the traditional knowledge that makes our culture so special and that you value who they are becasue as my colleague Francisca would say, "they were one life you, and you will one day be like them".

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